Minuteman Dispatch Services LLC is the fastest growing dispatch company, we offer transparent, fast and reliable dispatch service to our prestigious Carriers. Minuteman Dispatch Services is a third party logistics transportation company located in USA, Springfield Virginia. Our prime objective is to deliver high-quality dispatch services at competitive cost for improved efficiency. We are licensed and bound to meet all federal DOT requirements.
The Minuteman Dispatch Services Advantage:
Minuteman offers complete truck dispatch services from calling, rate negotiation to invoicing and detention collection. You’ll never have to worry about doing the grunt work, we’ve got your back. Above all we are focused on our drivers and maintaining a positive working relationship between all parties involved. Choosing to work with Minuteman Dispatch Services will allow you to focus on the business decisions that your company needs.
No More Paperwork:
We complete all paperwork on behalf of your company. Our experienced team handles all the administrative work so that your operations are continually in motion.